Thursday, February 24, 2005

Roof in ON , congratulation guys .

view of Classrooms Roof,

roof is done , just finish add the final line of cinderblocks.

other view of Roffing and roofing frame,at Triunfo.

Wood frame and Roof is on.

Roofing wood Frames are ready to go, in the back you will see one side of the comunity center Roof is done too.

Teachers, At Triunfo De La Cruz School .

Panel Electric Box , ready in the wall.

electricity replace , and new install in classrooms in Triunfo.

Volunteers working At Triunfo De La Cruz School,

volunteer ,working whit sand , for construction of classrooms.

volunteers and locals working together.

volunteer and local working together

Roofing wood frames are geting ready.

other view of the classrooms geting ready for roofing , and in the back people working ready in comunity center roof.

Classrooms are ready for roofing, if you see in the back is the Comunty center all the roof was remove and replace too, by Rotary International , interact-volunteers.

just like that roofing is geting closer , yeah.

is geting there , we need all around same high , similar to the front,

other view , we need the sides and back and roofing can start, good job guys, is looking good.

3 lines of cinderblooks is star geting ready for roofing frame.

good Friends , is geting ready to have Lunch.

volunteers enjoying Lunch, At Triunfo De La Cruz School, comunity center is in the back of this picture .

Volunteers Enjoying Lunch , at Triunfo , beach view.

Tom Plumb , at Triunfo,

back wall of 3 classroom .

front view , cinderbloock progress.

windows high , 7 line cinderbloock , the classrooms is geting there.

Cinderblocks are geting , to the windows high.

start to take shape.

is Geting Up.
